Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue Pushed Into January 2017

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Been waiting for some sweet Kingdom Hearts in your life this December? Well too bad! Square Enix has announced at Tokyo Game Show 2016 that it's now out in January.

Take a moment to recover from being punched right in the Mickeys and take a deep breathe because the delay is fortunately a short one. It's moved from December to January 24th, with Japan managing to get it earlier January 12th.

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue is a bit of a weird one and not just because of its rather silly long name. Penultimate Chapter HD Deluxe Edition Remastered Director's Cut. See I can do it too Square Enix.

Final Chapter Prologue is a HD collection featuring a remastering of Nintendo 3DS' Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, with Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover being told through HD cinematics using some tech from Kingdom Hearts III.

Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep–A Fragmentary Passage is also part of the collection and is a short episode following the events in Birth by Sleep, told from Aqua's perspective. A Fragmentary Passage is tied to the upcoming Kingdom Hearts III and also uses its tech and takes place immediately after Dream Drop Distance.

It's all rather confusing and only Kingdom Hearts fans can start to make sense of it. At least the release date isn't murky anymore as Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue releases on PlayStation 4 January 24th, 2017.

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
A compilation remastered in high definition. Originally released in 2012, KINGDOM HEARTS [Dream Drop Distance] HD ...
Release Dates
24 Jan 2017-PS4
13 Jun 2024-PC (Steam)
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