Warcraft Sequel Update Tweeted by Director Duncan Jones

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Despite a less than stellar performance at the US box office, rumours persist of a follow up to Warcraft with director Duncan Jones taking to Twitter to answer fans burning questions on the state of the franchise.  

Jones’ response was rather frank: “I truly don't know." Jones said he wants to make a follow-up but explained that the decision is up to Legendary, the production company behind the first movie. 

While the film performed well in China -  making more than $430 million worldwide – overall, it lost money which may put the brakes on any potential follow up.

However, that didn’t stop Jones from revealing a few details from what would have been a trilogy of Warcraft films.

In other tweets, he said a Doomplate for the character Ogrim was planned for sequel. He added: "With the orcs now in Azeroth, they learn about armor making in this new world."Jones went on to say: "[Warcraft 2] would have seen Dalaran LAND in the Alterac mountains & magic proliferate as Kirin Tor try to be more open after death of Llane." 

Jones also revealed details about Go'el's imprisonment, Khadgar unleashing Pandora's Box, and just why Warcraft struggled to connect with audiences despite being the highest grossing movie based on a video game. 

Warcraft 2
A mooted follow up to Duncan Jones 2016 movie based upon the Warcraft video game and novel series.
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