Rumour: Far Cry 5 Setting Is '19th Century Western'

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According to the latest rumours surrounding Ubisoft's Far Cry series, the next entry will be due this September and it's a cowboy Western.

This of course should be taken with several pinches of salt but it seems the open world shooter is going to the American Great Plains in a fictional place called Hope County. Initially it was thought to be Red Dead Redemption 2 related but it doesn't seem connected to Rockstar.

Great Falls Tribune reported on a film crew shooting a live-action trailer for some unannounced game in the Montana prairie at a church. A producer at the live-action shoot let slip it was for a game releasing this September. To fit that timetable this live-action sequence will almost certainly be in attendance at E3 2017.

A Spaghetti Western style Far Cry looks set for the saddle, if the reported rumours prove true. All Far Cry games have been set around modern day except for the subtitled games Far Cry: Blood Dragon and Far Cry Primal. Could this be another spin-off?

Far Cry 5 hasn't been officially announced but would be in development for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Far Cry 5
Welcome to Hope County, Montana, home to a fanatical doomsday cult known as Eden’s Gate. Stand up to cult leader Jose...
Release Dates
27 Mar 2018-Xbox One
27 Mar 2018-PC
27 Mar 2018-PS4
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