Dontnod Release Vampyr's First Gameplay Trailer, Studio Warns It's Pre-Alpha

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Life is Strange developer Dontnod Entertainment has bared the gameplay fangs of Vampyr, showing off some pre-Alpha footage of a game very much still in the works.

The gameplay shown takes place a little after the beginning of the game where our character Dr Jonathan Reid has been turned into a vampire, which is rather at odds with being a medical doctor trying to save the people of London from the Spanish Flu.

It's an action-RPG which will have more in common with Dontnod's Remember Me than it will the sublimely excellent time-screwer-upper Life is Strange. The game explores the perils of becoming a blood-sucking monster and the inevitable impact we'll have in the world. Kill one person and it could lead to things getting better, or a lot worse.

"This video is taken from a pre-alpha version of the game, and while many aspects are still very early in their development process – notably the combat system – you’ll get to see many of the gameplay ideas currently being worked on." It's built using Unreal Engine 4.

Get a little too bitey in a particular district and you could end up end condemning the whole area as it falls to chaos. There's also the matter of blood having a certain quality level to it, so some might nourish you more than others. Decisions, decisions.

Vampyr releases on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 next year.

Vampyr is set in early 20th century Britain as the country is gripped by the lethal Spanish flu and the streets of Lo...
Release Dates
5 Jun 2018-PC
5 Jun 2018-Xbox One
29 Oct 2019-Switch
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