Next Stand-Alone Batman Movie Will Be 'Noir-Driven' 

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It turns out that we might see Batman use detective mode after all. Despite the turmoil that has surrounded Warner Bros. stand-alone Batman movie, War for the Planet of the Apes director Matt Reeves has a clear idea what the movie will focus on. 

While talking to New Trailer Buzz (via Polygon) Reeves said his film will be in a similar vein to Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy but with a ‘noir-driven’ story as the films USP.  

“There’s a chance to do an almost noir-driven detective version of Batman that is point-of-view driven in a very, very powerful way, that will hopefully connect you to what’s going on inside of his head and inside of his heart,” Reeves said.

Reeves went on to draw a parallel between Batman and War for the Planet of the Apes Caesar, both of whom are somewhat tortured by their personal, emotional problems. “I see a parallel emotionally between Caesar and Batman, in that they're both tortured and trying to sort of grapple within themselves to try and do the right thing in a very imperfect and, to some degree, corrupt world,” he said. 

Pre-production is just about to start on the film.

You can catch Ben Affleck’s Batman next in Justice League which will be released on Nov. 17. 

The Batman
In his second year of fighting crime, Batman uncovers corruption in Gotham City that connects to his own family while...
Release Dates
24 May 2022-Blu-ray
24 May 2022-DVD
19 Apr 2022-VOD
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