Detroit: Become Human Release Confirmed For 2018

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The android uprising won't be happening this year after all as Quantic Dream's David Cage confirms it will be leading a rebellion some time in 2018.

Those pesky tools for our convenience think themselves sentient and don't like the idea of doing all that mundane toil. David Cage's latest adventure has us steer events and even decide what tactics and tone this android revolt takes.

An earlier listing of Detroit: Become Human by Sony had it down as part of their 2017 line-up but Sony's Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida revealed this was in error. The entire game is based off the Kara tech demo showcased back in 2012 at the Paris Games Week. It caught so much attention and praise that David Cage and his studio decided to take the tech demo and run with it.

Detroit: Become Human releases on PlayStation 4 in 2018.

Detroit: Become Human
Freedom has a price. Detroit 2038. Technology has evolved to a point where human like androids are everywhere. The...
Release Dates
12 Dec 2019-PC
25 May 2018-PS4
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