Marvel Announce Movie Release Dates

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There are more Marvel universe movies on the way and now we have some dates to look forward to, though no one is quite sure what movie is actually attached.

While we may have the dates Marvel hasn't actually linked them to a specific feature film. The Marvel universe has been ever-expanding into Hollywood and so there's quite a selection to pick from.

The confirmed dates are:

• March 2nd, 2018

• June 29th, 2018

• November 2nd, 2018

• February 14th, 2019

The last two in that list were already announced but it gives a better picture of their overall schedule. Who will be taking these upcoming release slots?

A sure bet would be Deadpool 2 taking one of those 2018 red carpets, and it's liking to snag the first one that's in March. Elsewhere you have the long planned reboot of the X-Men franchise, and the spin-off New Mutants. There's also Gambit starring Channing Tatum which is due to start production next year. 

Deadpool 3 could also sneak in for early 2019 maybe?

Deadpool 2
After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream ...
Release Dates
21 Aug 2018-VOD
21 Aug 2018-DVD
21 Aug 2018-Blu-ray
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