Matt Reeves Has Ideas for a Trilogy of Batman Movies

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These days, every film wants to be a trilogy. Even when they are an effective stand-alone movie with a self-contained story, boom! Trilogy time! Getting in on this racket is The Batman director Matt Reeves, who has been talking up the possibility of making the first Batman movie the opening chapter in a trilogy of stand-alone Batman films. 

While participating on The Press Tour for The War For the Planet of the Apes or just the press tour, Reeves spoke to Fandango about his overall vision for The Batman, and if he’s thought at all about the film possibly being just one instalment in a possible trilogy of solo Batman films: “I have ideas about an arc, but really, the important thing is just to start… you have to start with one. You know, you have to start with a story that begins something. And I would be lying if I could tell you that the arcs of Apes was already planned out, because it simply wasn’t; it’s one of those things where that character was so potent, and the possibility was embedded from the beginning, but exactly how you’ve got from A to Z is not something that existed.”

As Reeves points out, when he was first approached to direct Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, nobody was talking about a trilogy of Ape based movies: “In fact, when I came in on Dawn, the story that I wanted to tell was different from the story that they had even presented me,” he said. “And so, there are these broad ideas, I think, that sort of came to mind as Rise was created, of how that story could be told, but they weren’t explicitly laid-out. And when Mark and I began Dawn, we knew what our goals were, but we didn’t know how we were gonna get there, and I would say that that more relates to the way that I see a Batman story, is a kind of ambition for a series of stories, but really the most important thing is gonna be to tell a vital first story.”

Reeves seems reticent to talk about any details because, well, there are no details just yet other than we can expect a noir-based, stand-alone story with an eye on expanding the story to an emotional climax…say, that sounds a lot like The Dark Knight trilogy. 

The Batman
In his second year of fighting crime, Batman uncovers corruption in Gotham City that connects to his own family while...
Release Dates
24 May 2022-Blu-ray
24 May 2022-DVD
19 Apr 2022-VOD
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