Ewan McGregor Starring in Disney's Christopher Robin 

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As Disney continues to mine its cartoon back catalogue for new and different takes on the classics, here comes perhaps the most innovative of their recent adaptations. 

Ewan McGregor has confirmed that he’ll be playing Christopher Robin in a movie based upon Winnie the Pooh’s best friend as an adult, reports Empire.  

Sounding like a cross between Paddington and Hook, McGregor will play Robin as a jaded businessman whose commitments are piling up on him. As he struggles to cope, he’s visited by his childhood friend, Winnie the Pooh, who needs help finding his friends. Our hero must figure out how to handle the two sides of his life colliding without losing both.  

Marc Forster is on to direct the film, which was originally written by Alex Ross Perry, has since been through the keyboard of Spotlight's Tom McCarthy and will see a new draft or two courtesy of Hidden Figures' Allison Schroeder.

Christopher Robin
A Hook like story of a full grown Christopher Robin, who, finding his adult commitments too much to bear, gets a visi...
Release Dates
6 Nov 2018-VOD
10 Dec 2018-DVD
17 Aug 2018-Cinema
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