Jaume Collet-Serra Signs Up For Jungle Cruise, Turns Down Suicide Squad 2

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Looks like Suicide Squad 2 is gonna need a new director…

The Shallows' Jaume Collet-Serra was the front-runner to direct the follow up to DCEU’s rogues-gallery-on-a-mission movie.

However, that’s changed now as he’s now attached to bring Dwayne Johnson’s Disney theme park ride adaptation Jungle Cruise to the big screen.

According toDeadline, Collet-Serra turned down the opportunity to helm the sequel in favour of crafting a new Indiana Jones style franchise for  Johnson.  

Other than that intention, little else is known about the film. Writers J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay penned the latest draft in which presumably sees Dwayne Johnson on an adventurous ride through the jungle, which was once earmarked for Tom Hanks and Tim Allen. 

As for Suicide Squad 2, well, it’s back to the drawing board, with such eclectic names as Mel Gibson, Zombieland director Ruben Fleischer, and Warm Bodies director Jonathan Levine all rumoured to be in the running.  

Jungle Cruise
Based on Disneyland's theme park ride where a small riverboat takes a group of travelers through a jungle filled with...
Release Dates
30 Jul 2021-Disney+
16 Nov 2021-Blu-ray
31 Aug 2021-VOD
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