Ubisoft Reveal 'Hope County' Far Cry 5 Teasers, Worldwide Reveal May 26th

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Ubisoft has taken another step in revealing more about the upcoming Far Cry 5 by releasing four mini teasers. These include the message 'Welcome to Hope County'.

The next Far Cry drama will be set in the United States, specifically in Montana. According to earlier reports of focus testing Far Cry 5 is in fact set in modern day America. We'll be out in the thick of it with a religious-cult gaining more power in a small town.

Modern day weapons and vehicles will be at our disposal with a crazed bunch of loons threatening to spread their brand of fire and brimstone. Ubisoft will be officially unveiling Far Cry 5 worldwide this week on Friday, May 26th.

Far Cry 5 releases on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in late 2017.

Far Cry 5
Welcome to Hope County, Montana, home to a fanatical doomsday cult known as Eden’s Gate. Stand up to cult leader Jose...
Release Dates
27 Mar 2018-Xbox One
27 Mar 2018-PC
27 Mar 2018-PS4
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