9 Years Ago January 2, 2015 us

Love and other Perishable Items Kindle Release Date

The book Love and other Perishable Items is already released on Kindle in the USA and UK.

Release Dates

Report Date / Submit ProductReport Date / Submit Product
January 2, 2015Confirmed
January 2, 2015Confirmed
Love and other Perishable Items cover art
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Love and other Perishable Items


From the moment 15-year-old Amelia gets an after-school job at the local supermarket she is sunk, gone, lost, head-over-heels in love with Chris. Chris is the funny, charming, man-about-Woolies - but he's 21 and in his final year at uni. The six- year age gap may as well be a hundred. Chris and Amelia talk about everything from Second Wave Feminism to Great Expectations and Alien, but will he ever look at her in the way she wants him to? A story that's real and warm and just a little bit heartbreaking.

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