10 Years Ago July 9, 2014 uk

The Antaran Codex Kindle UK Release Date

The book The Antaran Codex is already released on Kindle in the UK.

Release Dates

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July 9, 2014Confirmed
The Antaran Codex cover art
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The Antaran Codex


As mankind nears its goal of galactic citizenship, Sirius Kade, trader and Earth Intelligence Service deep cover agent, learns that wealthy and powerful leaders from across Mapped Space are vying for control of an alien relic they believe is the key to untold riches – unaware they are being deceived. Sirius soon finds himself entangled in an interstellar plot to make humanity a cosmic outcast, denying it its place as the newest member of the vast and ancient community that has governed the galaxy for eons. With mankind’s fate in the balance, Sirius must overcome ruthless alien adversaries and deadly human rivals as he seeks to discover the secret of The Antaran Codex and safeguard man’s future among the stars.

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